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Lineage announced Lineage II M


Hi Twigster!

Not long ago the Lineage game update, NCSoft has now announced the latest Lineage game called Lineage 2M which will be presented on Android. This game is different from the Game Lineage II version that is already on mobile

Lineage II M will be an MMORPG game with an open-world concept (not dungeon-based) where later players can gather in the same world. The developer is currently working hard to implement this extraordinary concept. Like the previous PC version, NCsoft also leaked a bit that later Lineage II M will carry a class system that is quite a lot like the PC version.

The developer also said that the graphics quality offered was not playful, they were not sure they could optimize for mobile devices with low specifications. Not to forget, NCsoft also said that the game had no problems and was not related to Netmarble's Lineage II: Revolution. Lineage II M has yet to get the exact release schedule to date.

Stay tune on TRii for more update!

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