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PUBG Mobile Officially Becomes the 6th Game of the 2022 Esports President's Cup


Finally, the questions from many parties regarding the absence of PUBG Mobile in the ranks of the game branches being competed in the 2022 Esports President's Cup have been answered!

When it was announced for the first time, the 2022 Esports President's Cup only listed five game branches, namely Mobile Legends, Free Fire, Battle of Satria Dewa, Lokapala, and one local game (not yet announced).


Now, through his latest post on the official IG page of the Esports President's Cup (@pialapresidenesports), the committee has confirmed that PUBG Mobile is the sixth game in the largest national-scale esports event in Indonesia.

This is certainly warmly welcomed by many PUBG Mobile fans in the country who really hope that their favorite game can appear again like the Esports President Cup event in the previous year.


Moreover, with the myriad of achievements that have been inscribed by the PUBG Mobile game branch athletes in the regional and global arenas. This event will be the stage for the emergence of young athletes and PUBG Mobile teams from various regions in Indonesia.

With this news, there is a great opportunity for PUBG Mobile gamers to explore the professional level through the 2022 Esports President Cup stage.

Team registration has been opened since last September 24, and if you still have questions about the terms and other tournament information, please visit the official website, HERE!



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