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Rise of Nowlin Closed Early Access


After a very successful Early Access, it’s time for Rise of Nowlin step for the next phase. Speaking of the earlier Pre-register period, Rise of Nowlin has gained positive feedback from gamers in the last two months.

The new mobile MMORPG will be officially launched to Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippine and available on both Google Play and App Store.

The developer aims to bring back the glorious RPG spirit with massive players, guild wars and unique experience in a fantasy medieval world. With friendly interface and complete standard RPG core features, the game offers attractive action-packed combat with a variety of PVE and PVP systems.



Rise of Nowlin is developed by ShouYou Games and published in Southeast Asia by 8 Elements, a leading mobile content provider which already success released the popular game of BoBoiBoy.

The action-adventure RPG was developed to deliver a full excitement to explore the open world with 5 Classes available to choose: Warrior, Assassins, Magician, Archer, ant the Priest. Players later can choose the faction between Light or Dark camp.

There will be numerous unique quests and players can do infinite life skills activities like mining, cooking, fishing, and of course fighting in this free to kill unique. Overall, the game will be very refreshing to all players, from casual to hardcore gamers.

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Promoting and maintain communication among players is also a key goal for the game. Rise of Nowlin Facebook fan page is open to Southeast Asia (SEA) players and many are looking forward to seeing the game, but the eager players can now join the community activity.

For more information about Rise of Nowlin, you can visit the official links below.

Official website:
Facebook page:



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