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7 Days Live Text-Based Adventure Game


Seven Days is a text adventure game all about resurrection. Each dead spirit is assigned a task by none other than the messenger of death. If you complete the task inside seven days, then you will be resurrected.

Seven Days is a unique idea for a mobile game. You play as a dead girl who has woken up inside the afterlife, although it’s not as glamorous as you may think. To avoid death permanently, you must complete a deceptive task given to you by the messenger of death.

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Each decision you make will have a lasting effect on the story and what route it takes. There are multiple endings, and several characters to work with or against along the way.

■ Unique features
- Graphic novel-style artwork
- Storyline that changes according to your choices
- Various achievements and hidden challenges
- Multiple endings

If Seven Days sounds like a text adventure you want to play, then you can download a copy from the Play Store.



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