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Pokemon Masters Launch on Singapore


DeNA announce soft launch of Pokemon Masters in Singapore. Players from Singapore can now download the game from your local Play Store while Players from Canada can do so from 27th of July.

Pokemon Masters is a 3v3 turn-based RPG based on the Pokemon series. The unique feature of this game is that the Trainers are actually the main focus of this series while the Pokemon are more of a “support” role.


In Pokemon Masters, each trainer owns only 1 Pokemon thus in order to collect many other Pokemon, you will have to gacha for their respective trainers. Players will take on the role of the main character and with no surprise, your Pokemon is Pikachu. During this soft launch, there are only five 5-star trainers in the Gacha pool.

Combat is pretty much straight forward and relies heavily on elemental counters. All three of your team’s Pokemon share a common “move bar”. Once you have accumulate enough bars, you can then command your Pokemon to attack.

Well, the soft launch version has only limited content for testing. The game is only available for Android users. You cannot play the game on any emulator and will need a VPN to play the game if you’re outside of Singapore.



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